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Congratulations to the 2019 Peace Poster Contest Winners!


For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups - the Peace Poster Contest. Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity.

Each year Maine Lions Clubs around the state sponsor this annual contest for local students 11-13 years old. Local winners from each club move on to the state competition. Posters are judged by four professional art educators on three criteria: originality, artistic merit, and expression of the theme. This year's theme was “Journey of Peace”.

Congratulations to our State of Maine 2019 Peace Poster Contest winners!

First place was awarded to Falmouth Middle School student, Hannah Martin. She was sponsored by the Falmouth Lions Club. Her poster was mailed to Lions Clubs International to be included in the International competition.

Second place went to Addison Turner of the Palermo Art Class. She was sponsored by the Whitefield Lions Club.

Third place was awarded to Ava Stairs, a student at Freeport Middle School. She was sponsored by the Freeport Lioness Lions Club.

The Maine Lions District 41 extends appreciation to all the young artists who participated in this year’s contest and thanks the Lions Clubs that sponsored them.

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