Congratulations Lions and the clubs of District 41!
As a fellowship with pride, when one wins, we all win! Thank you to all clubs and members who submitted nominations for our District awards.
These folks listed were nominated by their peers, fellow Lions club members and met District criteria as a deserving Lion in good standing. All it takes is for you to cast your vote each year by March 31st, forms are available on our website, everyone has a voice, make yours be heard and cast your vote the new Lions year 2020-2021!
2019-2020 Best Club President of the Year!
- Zone Chair, and King Lion Kim Haskell - Whitefield Lions club
2019-2020 Best Club Secretary of the Year!
- Lion Connie Godfrey - Jay-Livermore Falls Lions
2019-2020 Best Club Treasurer of the Year!
- Lion Darla Frost – Waterville Lions club
2019-2020 Best Club Rookie of the Year!
- LEO turned Lion, Olivia Brown - SPC Cyber Lions club
2019-2020 Best Zone Chair!
- Lion Michelle Shores – Waterville Lions club
2019-2020 Outstanding club Newsletter(s)
- Boothbay Region Lions Club - Zone Chair, Lion Karen Nickerson
- Westbrook Lions Club – Lion Amanda Stevens
Thank you for composing in a format easily read that entertains the mind while remaining full of information for your membership to enjoy.
2019-2020 Club Membership growth and Retention award
A 4-way tie with each club having a net growth of 5 members!
- Bangor Lions Club
- Freeport Lioness Lions Club
- MDI Lions Club
- Stratton-Eustis Lions Club
2019-2020 Most Improved Club
Large club (>50 members)
- Whitefield Lions Club
Small club (< 50 members)
- Monmouth Lions Club - among many factors one stands above, this club increased their service reporting 86%!!!
2019-2020 Outstanding District Chairperson(s)
- PDG, Lion John Kustron – Project recycle, and the ever loyal Lion Anne – They have gone above and beyond this year to insure that our Project recycle eyeglasses, hearing aids and cell phones were counted, COVID19 or no…. they made it happen for our clubs who submitted 45,175 pieces counted for recycling! Congratulations and Thank you.
2019-2020 District Governor Appreciation Award (s)
- Lion Amanda Stevens – Westbrook Lions Club
- Lion Michelle Crocker – Manchester Lions Club
2019-2020 Lion of the Year!
- Lion Lizz Ward – Manchester Lions Club